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Welcome to our Site

This site offers a compilation of resources made available to not just School Psychologists, but Parents, Teachers, and other educational stakeholders as well. Over the years studying School Psychology and working in the field, I have grown an even stronger passion towards helping children. It is my goal to continuously contribute to the field and share my love for all facets of the academic and social and emotional success of students. Specifically, this site offers resources and pertinent materials to support the edcuational performance and achievement of studnets in both general education, and special education.


What is a School Psychologist?

"Helping children achieve their best. In school. At home. In life." - NASP

A school psychologist is a professional who specializes in the assessment of and educational support for students. They work to help students succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. To do this, they consult with all facets of the child's personal and educational network to tease out ways in which best to aid the child. There are many steps taken to ensure a positive outcome - from the initial concern for need, to the academic success and exit of special educational programs.


School psychologists are intensely trained in both psychology and education and are required to complete a minimum of a specialist-level degree program (at least 60 graduate semester hours) which includes a year-long supervised internship as part of the total successful completion of a 1200-hour internship in school psychology. The overall program includes graduate training and studies in mental health and educational interventions, child development, learning, behavior, motivation, curriculum and instruction, assessment, consultation, collaboration, school law, and systems. School psychologists must be certified and/or licensed by the state in which they work. They also may be nationally certified by the National School Psychology Certification Board (NSPCB). The National Association of School Psychologists sets ethical and training standards for practice and service delivery.

National Association of School Psychologists
California Association of School Psychologsts

PAR Toolkit
School Psychology Tools
Psych Drugs

School Psych News

School Psychology Headlines/News

What to do 1st as a new School Psychologist

Tips on how to start your new job with your best foot forward

The first expectation is that you get to know your team and staff. This includes the school principal/assistant principal, teachers, leaders in special education, designated in-service (DIS) providers, administrative assistants, etc.. These people will be your allies and greatest resources. In addition, make sure to meet and greet other district school psychologists, the director of student services, and make a point to attend all meetings, and/or staff development days before school starts.


Next, become familiar with your site. Explore your office, speech therapist's office, special day classrooms (SDC), meeting/conference room, staff room, copy room, cafeteria, bathrooms, nurses office, lunch room, library, computer lab, arts/science rooms etc. At times, students willl not be in their classrooms. Knowing possible alternate student locations will help when trying to find them.

Learn your cases. Parents will be interested in who the "new Psych" is and will want to meet you. Whether this is over a phone call or in-person, you will want to be preparred and familiar with their child/children, their needs, and/or their current services.


Review your special education case load and calendar your triennial IEP meetings.


Review your counseling case load and schedule group and individual counseling per the IEP requirements.

Learn new assessment tools that you are not be familiar with. Some districts or schools have particular assessments/evaluation tools they prefer. If you don't know them, find one, open it up, and learn it. There are so many different types of assessment tools available that you may run across something new. Also keep in mind that schools, and sometimes districts, may share assessment kits, therefore, if your school uses one in particular and it is not there, track it down.

Meet the students (those in your case load and those who are not). This can be accomplised through in class observations, monitoring recess, and/or just being present on campus.


Try to find old templates and forms that you can organize and place in one easy to find location. Check them for accuracy and make sure you have included all the information required by law, and are following IDEA guidelines. This will help streamline the process when it comes time to write those lengthy reports.


Start testing, counseling, and networking, and have a great year! Remember - if you don't know, ASK! There are a ton of resources available and people always ready to lend a helping hand.